I start working with a DENTAL INSURANCE NO WAITING PERIOD young dentist a lot of times they're like you know I need any kind of collections I don't care what it is because I need to pay the bills so that's their mindset then they're like no no no the difference between any kind of collections to profits.
Then they're like no no you know I have kids I have a family I have responsibilities now time becomes more important then again it changes again and they're like I want to enjoy what I do I don't want to do everything I only enjoy certain kinds of so that kind of car taps into purpose and meaning also they start realizing they don't want to you know work with everybody.
They DENTAL INSURANCE NO WAITING PERIOD want to work with people who they enjoy working with so they start asking questions like who who do I want to be a hero to and you know so that it's all you know it's interesting so I get of human beings you know we are first humans right whether be a dentist or whether be an entrepreneur be our first human so as a.
Human we all want the same thing which is we want you know a bigger life more freedoms more options when it comes time money purpose and relationships so I'm really glad to hear you go through that even though you know you're only and you have a huge you know life ahead of you I'm really excited to hear somebody like.
You you know doing what you have done you know in such an early age so it's awesome thank you let's get back into you know providing summer you know in addition to providing inspiration from this conversation providing some hard core value right because a lot of dentists want ideas that they can take and implement today.
That they think you know that will help DENTAL INSURANCE NO WAITING PERIOD them you know make a difference then I know you and I talked about implants and and you know implants is if done right a good way to make a difference for others and is also a way to grow your practice now doesn't mean that it's for everyone you know because there are a lot of people who are doing coding coding clubs are not doing a good job and then the patient suffers and their reputation suffers and so forth.
So let's talk a little bit about implants what's your experience in it what have you seen you know the more you have worked on it absolutely and so mind you I graduated from Ohio State University in 2009 and while there is a division that you know the focus is on implants there and it is important as a dental professional coming up it wasn't super.
it wasn't extremely relevant and what I've seen over the past you know eight years is dentistry is moving away from you know bridges and it's moving towards implants and you know why harm other teeth when you could simply


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