
Here Is What You Should Do For Your HUMANA DENTAL

Hi everyone huh so I am really excited to watch this video it's called finally getting my teeth fixed to get a full dental implants by Jordan gb a bi gulp uh but um HUMANA DENTAL I already saw pictures of boogie with his teeth on and I know this like a completely different person I have not seen any videos with his teeth in I don't know what he sounds like but be honest it looks like a completely different person I showed my mom and she was like wow and it's amazing. How how big a difference nice teeth can see look at her beautiful smile and you know it just it just really makes someone I don't know it makes you it makes you look healthy HUMANA DENTAL and it's just like a glowing feature that you know people have if they have nice teeth I luckily for mine for me I have nice teeth I like to think I have a beautiful smile but the reason why is because growing up. I had braces and I had buck teeth when I was a child and but luckily my my parents investe

How to Get Best renaissance dental at low cost

renaissance dental with them in between all of that is the customer experience that's extremely important and that is one of the renaissance dental things that I speak on throughout the country is customer experience and I'll tell you this if you can't go to any of my courses personally the best customer experience course to ever go to is hands down Disney Institute oh my goodness. I went there for a week-long training here back in January and I was just mind blown with how they they have their entire workshop I would highly recommend going there for the customer experience and I actually you know . When you go to a customer experience renaissance dental course everything is about amplification it's no good unless you implement that's extremely important and so for me you know on my biggest business which is smile that see that's . What I focus on is giving the overall best customer experience so if you come on you know one of my cruise ships you


I start working with a DENTAL INSURANCE NO WAITING PERIOD young dentist a lot of times they're like you know I need any kind of collections I don't care what it is because I need to pay the bills so that's their mindset then they're like no no no the difference between any kind of collections to profits. Then they're like no no you know I have kids I have a family I have responsibilities now time becomes more important then again it changes again and they're like I want to enjoy what I do I don't want to do everything I only enjoy certain kinds of so that kind of car taps into purpose and meaning also they start realizing they don't want to you know work with everybody. They DENTAL INSURANCE NO WAITING PERIOD want to work with people who they enjoy working with so they start asking questions like who who do I want to be a hero to and you know so that it's all you know it's interesting so I get of human beings you know we are first


Disease was rampant   DENTALHELPS  causing death to thousands of people within hours sometimes of first symptoms so at that time this was before bacteria and viruses were recognized as the cause for many illnesses and diseases popular opinion held that cholera was caused by bad air coming from rotting organic matter this was known as the miasma or miasma theory Jon Snow a British physician during. that time he had a different opinion of cholera he believed that the illness was spreading by way of a contaminated water supply because sewage was being routinely dumped into the Thames River and in cesspools near town wells because of his work tracing the route of the cholera outbreak dr. snow is often considered the father of modern epidemiology and his research changed the way we look at disease today so let's apply the public health approach to  research of the cholera outbreak so this is a slide of a neighborhood in London and you'll recall. That first we need to identif